Title: | High Dimensional Supervised Classification and Clustering |
Description: | Discriminant analysis and data clustering methods for high dimensional data, based on the assumption that high-dimensional data live in different subspaces with low dimensionality proposing a new parametrization of the Gaussian mixture model which combines the ideas of dimension reduction and constraints on the model. |
Authors: | Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard |
Maintainer: | Laurent Berge <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 2.2.1 |
Built: | 2025-02-22 04:09:27 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/lrberge/hdclassif |
Disciminant analysis and data clustering methods for high dimensional data, based on the asumption that high-dimensional data live in different subspaces with low dimensionality, proposing a new parametrization of the Gaussian mixture model which combines the ideas of dimension reduction and constraints on the model.
Package: | HDclassif |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 2.1.0 |
Date: | 2018-05-11 |
License: | GPL-2 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
This package is used to make efficient supervised and unsupervised classification with high dimensional data. The supervised method uses the hdda function to get the data parameters and the predict function to realise the class prediction of a dataset. The unsupervised method is implemented in the hddc function, and once the parameters are estimated, the predict gives the class prediction of other datasets. The method used in the hddc is based on the Expectation - Maximisation algorithm.
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
Maintainer: Laurent Berge <laurent.berge at uni.lu>
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 36 (14), pp. 2607–2623
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High-Dimensional Data Clustering”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 52 (1), pp. 502–519
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012) “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), 1–29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06
The Crabs data frame has 200 rows and 6 columns, describing 5 morphological measurements on 50 crabs each of two colour forms and both sexes, of the species Leptograspus Variegatus collected at Fremantle, W. Australia.
A data frame with 200 observations on the following 6 variables.
Type of the crabs: the first character represents the species - "B" or "O" for blue or orange-, the second represents the sex -"M" or "F" for male or female-.
Frontal lob size (mm).
Rear width (mm).
Carapace length (mm).
Carapace width (mm).
Body depth (mm).
This dataset can also be found in the MASS package, the unique difference is the class vector which is easier to use here.
Campbell, N. A. and Mahon, R. J. (1974) “A multivariate study of variation on two species of rock crab of genus Leptograspus”, Australian Journal of Zoology, 22, 417–425.
Venables, W. N. and Ripley, B. D. (2002) “Modern Applied Statistics with S”. Fourth edition. Springer.
This demonstration uses a PCA on the first two principal axis of the Crabs dataset -that can be found in the package- to show the clustering process of HDDC. At each step of the clustering, the means and directions are shown by, respectively, points and lines. This function should only be used in demo(hddc).
The plots of the clustering process.
The algorithm and the initialization are interactively chosen.
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
HDDA is a model-based discriminant analysis method assuming each class of the dataset live in a proper Gaussian subspace which is much smaller than the original one, the hdda.learn function calculates the parameters of each subspace in order to predict the class of new observation of this kind.
hdda( data, cls, model = "AkjBkQkDk", graph = FALSE, d_select = "Cattell", threshold = 0.2, com_dim = NULL, show = getHDclassif.show(), scaling = FALSE, cv.dim = 1:10, cv.threshold = c(0.001, 0.005, 0.05, 1:9 * 0.1), cv.vfold = 10, LOO = FALSE, noise.ctrl = 1e-08, d )
hdda( data, cls, model = "AkjBkQkDk", graph = FALSE, d_select = "Cattell", threshold = 0.2, com_dim = NULL, show = getHDclassif.show(), scaling = FALSE, cv.dim = 1:10, cv.threshold = c(0.001, 0.005, 0.05, 1:9 * 0.1), cv.vfold = 10, LOO = FALSE, noise.ctrl = 1e-08, d )
data |
A matrix or a data frame of observations, assuming the rows are the observations and the columns the variables. Note that NAs are not allowed. |
cls |
The vector of the class of each observations, its type can be numeric or string. |
model |
A character string vector, or an integer vector indicating the models to be used. The available models are: "AkjBkQkDk" (default), "AkBkQkDk", "ABkQkDk", "AkjBQkDk", "AkBQkDk", "ABQkDk", "AkjBkQkD", "AkBkQkD", "ABkQkD", "AkjBQkD", "AkBQkD", "ABQkD", "AjBQD", "ABQD". It is not case sensitive and integers can be used instead of names, see details for more information. Several models can be used, if it is, only the results of the one which maximizes the BIC criterion is kept. To run all models, use model="ALL". |
graph |
It is for comparison sake only, when several estimations are run at the same time (either when using several models, or when using cross-validation to select the best dimension/threshold). If graph = TRUE, the plot of the results of all estimations is displayed. Default is FALSE. |
d_select |
Either “Cattell” (default), “BIC” or “CV”. See details for more information. This parameter selects which method to use to select the intrinsic dimensions. |
threshold |
A float stricly within 0 and 1. It is the threshold used in the Cattell's Scree-Test. |
com_dim |
It is used only for common dimensions models. The user can give the common dimension s/he wants. If used, it must be an integer. Its default is set to NULL. |
show |
Single logical. To diplay summary information on the results after the algorithm is done: set it to |
scaling |
Logical: whether to scale the dataset (mean=0 and standard-error=1 for each variable) or not. By default the data is not scaled. |
cv.dim |
A vector of integers. Only when d_select=“CV”. Gives the dimensions for which the CV is to be done. Note that if some dimensions are greater than what it is possible to have, those are taken off. |
cv.threshold |
A vector of floats strictly within 0 and 1. Only when d_select=“CV”. Gives the thresholds for which the CV is to be done. |
cv.vfold |
An integer. Only when d_select=“CV”. It gives the number of different subsamples in which the dataset is split. If “cv.vfold” is greater than the number of observations, then the program equalize them. |
If TRUE, it returns the results (classes and posterior probabilities) for leave-one-out cross-validation. |
noise.ctrl |
This parameter avoids to have a too low value of the 'noise' parameter b. It garantees that the dimension selection process do not select too many dimensions (which leads to a potential too low value of the noise parameter b). When selecting the intrinsic dimensions using Cattell's scree-test or BIC, the function doesn't use the eigenvalues inferior to noise.ctrl, so that the intrinsic dimensions selected can't be higher or equal to the order of these eigenvalues. |
d |
DEPRECATED. This parameter is kept for retro compatibility. Now please use the parameter d_select. |
Some information on the signification of the model names:
if Akj: each class has its parameters and there is one parameter for each dimension
if Ak: the classes have different parameters but there is only one per class
if Aj: all the classes have the same parameters for each dimension (it's a particular case with a common orientation matrix)
if A: all classes have the same one parameter
If Bk: each class has its proper noise
if B: all classes have the same noise
if Qk: all classes have its proper orientation matrix
if Q: all classes have the same orientation matrix
if Dk: the dimensions are free and proper to each class
if D: the dimension is common to all classes
The model “all” will compute all the models, give their BIC and keep the model with the highest BIC value. Instead of writing the model names, they can also be specified using an integer. 1 represents the most general model (“AkjBkQkDk”) while 14 is the most constrained (“ABQD”), the others number/name matching are given below. Note also that several models can be run at once, by using a vector of models (e.g. model = c("AKBKQKD","AKJBQKDK","AJBQD") is equivalent to model = c(8,4,13); to run the 6 first models, use model=1:6). If all the models are to be run, model="all" is faster than model=1:14.
AkjBkQkDk | 1 | AkjBkQkD | 7 | |
AkBkQkDk | 2 | AkBkQkD | 8 | |
ABkQkDk | 3 | ABkQkD | 9 | |
AkjBQkDk | 4 | AkjBQkD | 10 | |
AkBQkDk | 5 | AkBQkD | 11 | |
ABQkDk | 6 | ABQkD | 12 | |
AjBQD | 13 | ABQD | 14 |
The parameter d, is used to select the intrinsic dimensions of the subclasses. Here are his definictions:
“Cattell”: The Cattell's scree-test is used to gather the intrinsic dimension of each class. If the model is of common dimension (models 7 to 14), the scree-test is done on the covariance matrix of the whole dataset.
“BIC”: The intrinsic dimensions are selected with the BIC criterion. See Bouveyron et al. (2010) for a discussion of this topic. For common dimension models, the procedure is done on the covariance matrix of the whole dataset.
“CV”: A V-fold cross-validation (CV) can be done in order to select the best threshold (for all models) or the best common dimensions (models 7 to 14). The V-fold cross-validation is done for each dimension (respectively threshold) in the argument “cv.dim” (resp. “cv.threshold”), then the dimension (resp. threshold) that gives the best good classification rate is kept. The dataset is split in “cv.vfold” (default is 10) random subsamples, then CV is done for each sample: each of them is used as validation data while the remaining data is used as training data. For sure, if “cv.vfold” equals the number of observations, then this CV is equivalent to a leave-one-out.
hdda returns an 'hdc' object; it's a list containing:
model |
The name of the model. |
k |
The number of classes. |
d |
The dimensions of each class. |
a |
The parameters of each class subspace. |
b |
The noise of each class subspace. |
mu |
The mean of each variable for each class. |
prop |
The proportion of each class. |
ev |
The eigen values of the var/covar matrix. |
Q |
The orthogonal matrix of orientation of each class. |
kname |
The name of each class. |
The BIC value of the model used. |
scaling |
The centers and the standard deviation of the original dataset. |
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 36 (14), pp. 2607–2623
Bouveyron, C. Celeux, G. and Girard, S. (2010) “Intrinsic dimension estimation by maximum likelihood in probabilistic PCA”, Technical Report 440372, Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012) “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), 1–29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06
# Example 1: data<-simuldata(1000, 1000, 50, K=5) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly # we get the HDDA parameters: prms1 <- hdda(X, clx) cl1 <- predict(prms1, Y, cly) # the class vector of Y estimated with HDDA: cl1$class # another model is used: prms1 <- hdda(X, clx, model=12) #model=12 is equivalent to model="ABQkD" cl1 <- predict(prms1, Y, cly) # Example 2: data(wine) a <- wine[,-1] z <- wine[,1] prms2 <- hdda(a, z, model='all', scaling=TRUE, d_select="bic", graph=TRUE) cl2 <- predict(prms2, a, z) # getting the best dimension # using a common dimension model # we do LOO-CV using cv.vfold=nrow(a) prms3 <- hdda(a, z, model="akjbkqkd", d_select="CV", cv.vfold=nrow(a), scaling=TRUE, graph=TRUE) cl3 <- predict(prms3, a, z) # Example 3: # Validation with LOO prms4 = hdda(a, z, LOO=TRUE, scaling=TRUE) sum(prms4$class==z) / length(z)
# Example 1: data<-simuldata(1000, 1000, 50, K=5) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly # we get the HDDA parameters: prms1 <- hdda(X, clx) cl1 <- predict(prms1, Y, cly) # the class vector of Y estimated with HDDA: cl1$class # another model is used: prms1 <- hdda(X, clx, model=12) #model=12 is equivalent to model="ABQkD" cl1 <- predict(prms1, Y, cly) # Example 2: data(wine) a <- wine[,-1] z <- wine[,1] prms2 <- hdda(a, z, model='all', scaling=TRUE, d_select="bic", graph=TRUE) cl2 <- predict(prms2, a, z) # getting the best dimension # using a common dimension model # we do LOO-CV using cv.vfold=nrow(a) prms3 <- hdda(a, z, model="akjbkqkd", d_select="CV", cv.vfold=nrow(a), scaling=TRUE, graph=TRUE) cl3 <- predict(prms3, a, z) # Example 3: # Validation with LOO prms4 = hdda(a, z, LOO=TRUE, scaling=TRUE) sum(prms4$class==z) / length(z)
HDDC is a model-based clustering method. It is based on the Gaussian Mixture Model and on the idea that the data lives in subspaces with a lower dimension than the dimension of the original space. It uses the Expectation - Maximisation algorithm to estimate the parameters of the model.
hddc( data, K = 1:10, model = c("AkjBkQkDk"), threshold = 0.2, criterion = "bic", com_dim = NULL, itermax = 200, eps = 0.001, algo = "EM", d_select = "Cattell", init = "kmeans", init.vector, show = getHDclassif.show(), mini.nb = c(5, 10), scaling = FALSE, min.individuals = 2, noise.ctrl = 1e-08, mc.cores = 1, nb.rep = 1, keepAllRes = TRUE, kmeans.control = list(), d_max = 100, subset = Inf, d )
hddc( data, K = 1:10, model = c("AkjBkQkDk"), threshold = 0.2, criterion = "bic", com_dim = NULL, itermax = 200, eps = 0.001, algo = "EM", d_select = "Cattell", init = "kmeans", init.vector, show = getHDclassif.show(), mini.nb = c(5, 10), scaling = FALSE, min.individuals = 2, noise.ctrl = 1e-08, mc.cores = 1, nb.rep = 1, keepAllRes = TRUE, kmeans.control = list(), d_max = 100, subset = Inf, d )
data |
A matrix or a data frame of observations, assuming the rows are the observations and the columns the variables. Note that NAs are not allowed. |
K |
A vector of integers specifying the number of clusters for which the BIC and the parameters are to be calculated; the function keeps the parameters which maximises the |
model |
A character string vector, or an integer vector indicating the models to be used. The available models are: "AkjBkQkDk" (default), "AkBkQkDk", "ABkQkDk", "AkjBQkDk", "AkBQkDk", "ABQkDk", "AkjBkQkD", "AkBkQkD", "ABkQkD", "AkjBQkD", "AkBQkD", "ABQkD", "AjBQD", "ABQD". It is not case sensitive and integers can be used instead of names, see details for more information. Several models can be used, if it is, only the results of the one which maximizes the BIC criterion is kept. To run all models, use model="ALL". |
threshold |
A float stricly within 0 and 1. It is the threshold used in the Cattell's Scree-Test. |
criterion |
Either “BIC” or “ICL”. If several models are run, the best model is selected using the criterion defined by |
com_dim |
It is used only for common dimensions models. The user can give the common dimension s/he wants. If used, it must be an integer. Its default is set to NULL. |
itermax |
The maximum number of iterations allowed. The default is 200. |
eps |
A positive double, default is 0.001. It is the stopping criterion: the algorithm stops when the difference between two successive log-likelihoods is lower than |
algo |
A character string indicating the algorithm to be used. The available algorithms are the Expectation-Maximisation ("EM"), the Classification E-M ("CEM") and the Stochastic E-M ("SEM"). The default algorithm is the "EM". |
d_select |
Either “Cattell” (default) or “BIC”. See details for more information. This parameter selects which method to use to select the intrinsic dimensions. |
init |
A character string or a vector of clusters. It is the way to initialize the E-M algorithm. There are five possible initialization: “kmeans” (default), “param”, “random”, “mini-em” or “vector”. See details for more information. It can also be directly initialized with a vector containing the prior classes of the observations. If |
init.vector |
A vector of integers or factors. It is a user-given initialization. It should be of the same length as of the data. Only used when |
show |
Single logical. To diplay summary information on the results after the algorithm is done: set it to |
mini.nb |
A vector of integers of length two. This parameter is used in the “mini-em” initialization. The first integer sets how many times the algorithm is repeated; the second sets the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will do each time. For example, if |
scaling |
Logical: whether to scale the dataset (mean=0 and standard-error=1 for each variable) or not. By default the data is not scaled. |
min.individuals |
Positive integer greater than 2 (default). This parameter is used to control for the minimum population of a class. If the population of a class becomes stricly inferior to 'min.individuals' then the algorithm stops and gives the message: 'pop<min.indiv.'. Here the meaning of "population of a class" is the sum of its posterior probabilities. The value of 'min.individuals' cannot be lower than 2. |
noise.ctrl |
This parameter avoids to have a too low value of the 'noise' parameter b. It garantees that the dimension selection process do not select too many dimensions (which leads to a potential too low value of the noise parameter b). When selecting the intrinsic dimensions using Cattell's scree-test or BIC, the function doesn't use the eigenvalues inferior to noise.ctrl, so that the intrinsic dimensions selected can't be higher or equal to the order of these eigenvalues. |
mc.cores |
Positive integer, default is 1. If |
nb.rep |
A positive integer (default is 1). Each estimation (i.e. combination of (model, K, threshold)) is repeated |
keepAllRes |
Logical. Should the results of all runs be kept? If so, an argument |
kmeans.control |
A list. The elements of this list should match the parameters of the kmeans initialization (see |
d_max |
A positive integer. The maximum number of dimensions to be computed. Default is 100. It means that the instrinsic dimension of any cluster cannot be larger than |
subset |
An positive integer, default is |
d |
DEPRECATED. This parameter is kept for retro compatibility. Now please use the parameter d_select. |
Some information on the signification of the model names:
if Akj: each class has its parameters and there is one parameter for each dimension
if Ak: the classes have different parameters but there is only one per class
if Aj: all the classes have the same parameters for each dimension (it's a particular case with a common orientation matrix)
if A: all classes have the same one parameter
If Bk: each class has its proper noise
if B: all classes have the same noise
if Qk: all classes have its proper orientation matrix
if Q: all classes have the same orientation matrix
if Dk: the dimensions are free and proper to each class
if D: the dimension is common to all classes
The model “ALL” will compute all the models, give their BIC and keep the model with the highest BIC value. Instead of writing the model names, they can also be specified using an integer. 1 represents the most general model (“AkjBkQkDk”) while 14 is the most constrained (“ABQD”), the others number/name matching are given below. Note also that several models can be run at once, by using a vector of models (e.g. model = c("AKBKQKD","AKJBQKDK","AJBQD") is equivalent to model = c(8,4,13); to run the 6 first models, use model=1:6). If all the models are to be run, model="all" is faster than model=1:14.
AkjBkQkDk | 1 | AkjBkQkD | 7 | |
AkBkQkDk | 2 | AkBkQkD | 8 | |
ABkQkDk | 3 | ABkQkD | 9 | |
AkjBQkDk | 4 | AkjBQkD | 10 | |
AkBQkDk | 5 | AkBQkD | 11 | |
ABQkDk | 6 | ABQkD | 12 | |
AjBQD | 13 | ABQD | 14 |
The parameter d_select
, is used to select the intrinsic dimensions of the subclasses. Here are its definitions:
“Cattell”: The Cattell's scree-test is used to gather the intrinsic dimension of each class. If the model is of common dimension (models 7 to 14), the scree-test is done on the covariance matrix of the whole dataset.
“BIC”: The intrinsic dimensions are selected with the BIC criterion. See Bouveyron et al. (2010) for a discussion of this topic. For common dimension models, the procedure is done on the covariance matrix of the whole dataset.
Note that "Cattell" (resp. "BIC") can be abreviated to "C" (resp. "B") and that this argument is not case sensitive.
The different initializations are:
it is initialized with the parameters, the means being generated by a multivariate normal distribution and the covariance matrix being common to the whole sample
it is an initialization strategy, the classes are randomly initialized and the E-M algorithm makes several iterations, this action is repetead a few times (the default is 5 iterations and 10 times), at the end, the initialization choosen is the one which maximise the log-likelihood (see mini.nb for more information about its parametrization)
the classes are randomly given using a multinomial distribution
the classes are initialized using the kmeans function (with: algorithm="Hartigan-Wong"; nstart=4; iter.max=50); note that the user can use his own arguments for kmeans using the dot-dot-dot argument
It can also be directly initialized with a vector containing the prior classes of the observations. To do so use init="vector"
and provide the vector in the argument init.vector
The BIC criterion used in this function is to be maximized and is defined as 2*LL-k*log(n) where LL is the log-likelihood, k is the number of parameters and n is the number of observations.
hddc returns an 'hdc' object; it's a list containing:
model |
The name of the model. |
K |
The number of classes. |
d |
The dimensions of each class. |
a |
The parameters of each class subspace. |
b |
The noise of each class subspace. |
mu |
The mean of each variable for each class. |
prop |
The proportion of each class. |
ev |
The eigen values of the var/covar matrix. |
Q |
The orthogonal matrix of orientation of each class. |
loglik |
The log-likelihood. |
loglik_all |
The log-likelihood of all iterations. Note that if |
posterior |
The matrix of the probabilities to belong to a class for each observation and each class. |
class |
The class vector obtained by the clustering. |
com_ev |
Only if this is a common dimension model. The eigenvalues of the var/covar matrix of the whole dataset. |
N |
The number of observations. |
complexity |
The number of parameters of the model. |
threshold |
The threshold used for the Cattell scree-test. |
d_select |
The way the dimensions were selected. |
The BIC of the model. |
The ICL of the model. |
criterion |
The criterion used to select the model. |
call |
The call. |
allCriteria |
The data.frame with the combination (model, K, threshold) and the associated values of the likelihood (LL), BIC and ICL, as well as the rank of each of the models with respect to the selection criterion. It also reports the original order in which were estimated the models as well as each model complexity |
all_results |
Only if |
scaling |
Only if |
id_subset |
Only if |
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High-Dimensional Data Clustering”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 52 (1), pp. 502–519
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012) “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), 1–29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06
# Example 1: data <- simuldata(1000, 1000, 50) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly #clustering of the simulated dataset: prms1 <- hddc(X, K=3, algo="CEM", init='param') #class vector obtained by the clustering: prms1$class #We can look at the adjusted rand index to assess the goodness of fit res1 <- predict(prms1, X, clx) res2 <- predict(prms1, Y) #the class predicted using hddc parameters on the test dataset: res2$class # Example 2: data(Crabs) # clustering of the Crabs dataset: prms3 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4, algo="EM", init='mini-em') res3 <- predict(prms3, Crabs[,-1], Crabs[,1]) # another example using the Crabs dataset prms4 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=1:8, model=c(1,2,7,9)) # model=c(1,2,7,9) is equivalent to: # model=c("AKJBKQKDK","AKBKQKDK","AKJBKQKD"#' ,"ABKQKD") res4 <- predict(prms4, Crabs[,-1], Crabs[,1]) # PARALLEL COMPUTING ## Not run: # Same example but with Parallel Computing => platform specific # (slower for Windows users) # To enable it, just use the argument 'mc.cores' prms5 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=1:8, model=c(1,2,7,9), mc.cores=2) ## End(Not run) # LARGE DATASETS # Assume you have a very large data set # => you can use the argument 'subset' to obtain quick results: ## Not run: # we take a subset of 10000 observations and run hddc # once the classification is done, the posterior is computed # on the full data prms = hddc(bigData, subset = 10000) # You obtain a much faster (although less precise) # classification of the full dataset: table(prms$class) ## End(Not run)
# Example 1: data <- simuldata(1000, 1000, 50) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly #clustering of the simulated dataset: prms1 <- hddc(X, K=3, algo="CEM", init='param') #class vector obtained by the clustering: prms1$class #We can look at the adjusted rand index to assess the goodness of fit res1 <- predict(prms1, X, clx) res2 <- predict(prms1, Y) #the class predicted using hddc parameters on the test dataset: res2$class # Example 2: data(Crabs) # clustering of the Crabs dataset: prms3 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4, algo="EM", init='mini-em') res3 <- predict(prms3, Crabs[,-1], Crabs[,1]) # another example using the Crabs dataset prms4 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=1:8, model=c(1,2,7,9)) # model=c(1,2,7,9) is equivalent to: # model=c("AKJBKQKDK","AKBKQKDK","AKJBKQKD"#' ,"ABKQKD") res4 <- predict(prms4, Crabs[,-1], Crabs[,1]) # PARALLEL COMPUTING ## Not run: # Same example but with Parallel Computing => platform specific # (slower for Windows users) # To enable it, just use the argument 'mc.cores' prms5 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=1:8, model=c(1,2,7,9), mc.cores=2) ## End(Not run) # LARGE DATASETS # Assume you have a very large data set # => you can use the argument 'subset' to obtain quick results: ## Not run: # we take a subset of 10000 observations and run hddc # once the classification is done, the posterior is computed # on the full data prms = hddc(bigData, subset = 10000) # You obtain a much faster (although less precise) # classification of the full dataset: table(prms$class) ## End(Not run)
HD-MDA implements mixture discriminant analysis (MDA, Hastie & Tibshirani, 1996) with HD Gaussians instead of full Gaussians. Each class is assumed to be made of several class-specific groups in which the data live in low-dimensional subspaces. From a technical point of view, a clustering is done using hddc
in each class.
X |
A matrix or a data frame of observations, assuming the rows are the observations and the columns the variables. Note that NAs are not allowed. |
cls |
The vector of the class of each observations, its type can be numeric or string. |
K |
A vector of integers specifying the number of clusters for which the BIC and the parameters are to be calculated; the function keeps the parameters which maximises the BIC. Note that the length of the vector K can't be larger than 20. Default is 1:10. |
model |
A character string vector, or an integer vector indicating the models to be used. The available models are: "AkjBkQkDk" (default), "AkBkQkDk", "ABkQkDk", "AkjBQkDk", "AkBQkDk", "ABQkDk", "AkjBkQkD", "AkBkQkD", "ABkQkD", "AkjBQkD", "AkBQkD", "ABQkD", "AjBQD", "ABQD". It is not case sensitive and integers can be used instead of names, see details for more information. Several models can be used, if it is, only the results of the one which maximizes the BIC criterion is kept. To run all models, use model="ALL". |
show |
Use show = TRUE to display some information related to the clustering. |
... |
Any argument that can be used by the function |
Some information on the signification of the model names:
if Akj: each class has its parameters and there is one parameter for each dimension
if Ak: the classes have different parameters but there is only one per class
if Aj: all the classes have the same parameters for each dimension (it's a particular case with a common orientation matrix)
if A: all classes have the same one parameter
If Bk: each class has its proper noise
if B: all classes have the same noise
if Qk: all classes have its proper orientation matrix
if Q: all classes have the same orientation matrix
if Dk: the dimensions are free and proper to each class
if D: the dimension is common to all classes
The model “all” will compute all the models, give their BIC and keep the model with the highest BIC value. Instead of writing the model names, they can also be specified using an integer. 1 represents the most general model (“AkjBkQkDk”) while 14 is the most constrained (“ABQD”), the others number/name matching are given below:
AkjBkQkDk | 1 | AkjBkQkD | 7 | |
AkBkQkDk | 2 | AkBkQkD | 8 | |
ABkQkDk | 3 | ABkQkD | 9 | |
AkjBQkDk | 4 | AkjBQkD | 10 | |
AkBQkDk | 5 | AkBQkD | 11 | |
ABQkDk | 6 | ABQkD | 12 | |
AjBQD | 13 | ABQD | 14 |
returns an 'hdmda' object which is a list containing:
alpha |
Estimated prior probabilities for the classes. |
prms |
Estimated mixture parameters for each class. |
kname |
The name (level) of each class. |
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
C. Bouveyron and C. Brunet (2014), “Model-based clustering of high-dimensional data: A review”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 71, pp. 52-78.
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007), “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 36 (14), pp. 2607-2623.
Bouveyron, C. Celeux, G. and Girard, S. (2011), “Intrinsic dimension estimation by maximum likelihood in probabilistic PCA”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32 (14), pp. 1706-1713.
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012), “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), pp. 1-29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06.
Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (1996), “Discriminant analysis by Gaussian mixtures”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), pp. 155-176.
# Load the Wine data set data(wine) cls = wine[,1]; X = scale(wine[,-1]) # A simple use... out = hdmda(X[1:100,],cls[1:100]) res = predict(out,X[101:nrow(X),]) # Comparison between hdmda and hdda in a CV setup set.seed(123); nb = 10; Err = matrix(NA,2,nb) for (i in 1:nb){ cat('.') test = sample(nrow(X),50) out0 = lda(X[-test,],cls[-test]) res0 = predict(out0,X[test,]) Err[1,i] = sum(res0$class != cls[test]) / length(test) out = hdmda(X[-test,],cls[-test],K=1:3,model="AKJBQKDK") res = predict(out,X[test,]) Err[2,i] = sum(res$class != cls[test]) / length(test) } cat('\n') boxplot(t(Err),names=c('LDA','HD-MDA'),col=2:3,ylab="CV classifciation error", main='CV classifciation error on Wine data')
# Load the Wine data set data(wine) cls = wine[,1]; X = scale(wine[,-1]) # A simple use... out = hdmda(X[1:100,],cls[1:100]) res = predict(out,X[101:nrow(X),]) # Comparison between hdmda and hdda in a CV setup set.seed(123); nb = 10; Err = matrix(NA,2,nb) for (i in 1:nb){ cat('.') test = sample(nrow(X),50) out0 = lda(X[-test,],cls[-test]) res0 = predict(out0,X[test,]) Err[1,i] = sum(res0$class != cls[test]) / length(test) out = hdmda(X[-test,],cls[-test],K=1:3,model="AKJBQKDK") res = predict(out,X[test,]) Err[2,i] = sum(res$class != cls[test]) / length(test) } cat('\n') boxplot(t(Err),names=c('LDA','HD-MDA'),col=2:3,ylab="CV classifciation error", main='CV classifciation error on Wine data')
This function plots Cattell's scree-test or the BIC selection, using parameters coming from hdda or hddc functions.
## S3 method for class 'hdc' plot(x, method = NULL, threshold = NULL, noise.ctrl=1e-8, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hdc' plot(x, method = NULL, threshold = NULL, noise.ctrl=1e-8, ...)
x |
A 'hdc' class object obtained using hdda or hddc methods. |
method |
The method used to select the intrinsic dimension. It can be "BIC" or "Cattell". By default it takes the method used when obtaining the parameters using hdda or hddc. Note that "Cattell" (resp. "BIC") can be abreviated to "C" (resp. "B") and that this argument is not case sensitive. |
threshold |
The threshold used in Cattell's Scree-Test. By default it takes the threshold in the argument x, if none, the default value of the threshold is 0.2. |
noise.ctrl |
This parameter avoids to have a too low value of the 'noise' parameter b. It garantees that the dimension selection process do not select too many dimensions (which leads to a potential too low value of the noise parameter b). When selecting the intrinsic dimensions using Cattell's scree-test or BIC, the function doesn't use the eigenvalues inferior to noise.ctrl, so that the intrinsic dimensions selected can't be higher or equal to the order of these eigenvalues. |
... |
Arguments based from or to other methods. |
The plot of the eigen values and of the sequential differences of the eigen values. The dimension to retain is the one before the last fall of the eigenvalues' differences below the threshold.
The BIC related to the dimension for each class. It stops after the first fall of the BIC.
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 36 (14), pp. 2607–2623
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High-Dimensional Data Clustering”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 52 (1), pp. 502–519
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012) “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), 1–29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06
, hddc
, predict.hdc
# Example 1 : data(wine) a <- wine[,-1] z <- wine[,1] prms1 <- hdda(a, z, model="AkBkQkDk", scaling=TRUE, d_select="bic") #the plot related to the selection that has been done: BIC plot(prms1) #it shows the plot of Cattell's scree-test, with a threshold of .3 plot(prms1,"Cattell",0.3) prms2 <- hdda(a, z, model="AkBkQkD", scaling=TRUE, d_select="cattell") #the plot related to the selection that has been done: Cattell's scree-test plot(prms2) #the plot of the BIC plot(prms2,"b")
# Example 1 : data(wine) a <- wine[,-1] z <- wine[,1] prms1 <- hdda(a, z, model="AkBkQkDk", scaling=TRUE, d_select="bic") #the plot related to the selection that has been done: BIC plot(prms1) #it shows the plot of Cattell's scree-test, with a threshold of .3 plot(prms1,"Cattell",0.3) prms2 <- hdda(a, z, model="AkBkQkD", scaling=TRUE, d_select="cattell") #the plot related to the selection that has been done: Cattell's scree-test plot(prms2) #the plot of the BIC plot(prms2,"b")
This function computes the class prediction of a dataset with respect to the model-based supervised and unsupervised classification methods hdda
and hddc
## S3 method for class 'hdc' predict(object, data, cls = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hdc' predict(object, data, cls = NULL, ...)
object |
An ‘hdc’ class object obtained by using |
data |
A matrix or a data frame of observations, assuming the rows are the observations and the columns the variables. The data should be in the exact same format as the one that trained the model. Note that NAs are not allowed. |
cls |
A vector of the thue classes of each observation. It is optional and used to be compared to the predicted classes, default is NULL. |
... |
Not currently used. |
class |
vector of the predicted class. |
prob |
The matrix of the probabilities to belong to a class for each observation and each class. |
loglik |
The likelihood of the classification on the new data. |
If the initial class vector is given to the argument ‘cls’ then the adjusted rand index (ARI) is also returned. Also the following object is returned:
The confusion matrix of the classification. |
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 36 (14), pp. 2607–2623
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High-Dimensional Data Clustering”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 52 (1), pp. 502–519
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012) “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), 1–29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06
The functions to do high dimensional classification hdda
or clustering hddc
# Example 1: data <- simuldata(1000, 1000, 50) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly #clustering of the gaussian dataset: prms1 <- hddc(X, K=3, algo="CEM", init='param') #class vector obtained by the clustering: prms1$class # only to see the good classification rate and # the Adjusted Rand Index: res1 <- predict(prms1, X, clx) res2 <- predict(prms1, Y) #the class predicted using hddc parameters on the test dataset: res2$class # Example 2: data(Crabs) #clustering of the Crabs dataset: prms3 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4, algo="EM", init='kmeans') res3 <- predict(prms3, Crabs[,-1], Crabs[,1])
# Example 1: data <- simuldata(1000, 1000, 50) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly #clustering of the gaussian dataset: prms1 <- hddc(X, K=3, algo="CEM", init='param') #class vector obtained by the clustering: prms1$class # only to see the good classification rate and # the Adjusted Rand Index: res1 <- predict(prms1, X, clx) res2 <- predict(prms1, Y) #the class predicted using hddc parameters on the test dataset: res2$class # Example 2: data(Crabs) #clustering of the Crabs dataset: prms3 <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4, algo="EM", init='kmeans') res3 <- predict(prms3, Crabs[,-1], Crabs[,1])
This function computes the class prediction of a dataset with respect to the model-based supervised classification method hdmda
## S3 method for class 'hdmda' predict(object, X, ...)
## S3 method for class 'hdmda' predict(object, X, ...)
object |
An object of class ‘hdmda’. |
X |
A matrix or a data frame of observations, assuming the rows are the observations and the columns the variables. Note that NAs are not allowed. |
... |
Arguments based from or to other methods. Not currently used. |
class |
vector of the predicted class. |
posterior |
The matrix of the probabilities to belong to a class for each observation and each class. |
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
C. Bouveyron and C. Brunet (2014), “Model-based clustering of high-dimensional data: A review”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 71, pp. 52-78.
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007), “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 36 (14), pp. 2607-2623.
Bouveyron, C. Celeux, G. and Girard, S. (2011), “Intrinsic dimension estimation by maximum likelihood in probabilistic PCA”, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 32 (14), pp. 1706-1713.
Berge, L. Bouveyron, C. and Girard, S. (2012), “HDclassif: An R Package for Model-Based Clustering and Discriminant Analysis of High-Dimensional Data”, Journal of Statistical Software, 46(6), pp. 1-29, url: doi:10.18637/jss.v046.i06.
Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (1996), “Discriminant analysis by Gaussian mixtures”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Methodological), pp. 155-176.
# Load the Wine data set data(wine) cls = wine[,1]; X = scale(wine[,-1]) # A simple use... out = hdmda(X[1:100,],cls[1:100]) res = predict(out,X[101:nrow(X),])
# Load the Wine data set data(wine) cls = wine[,1]; X = scale(wine[,-1]) # A simple use... out = hdmda(X[1:100,],cls[1:100]) res = predict(out,X[101:nrow(X),])
Sets/gets the default value for 'show' argument in HDDC and HDDC. When TRUE
then clustering information is returned at the end of the process.
setHDclassif.show(show) getHDclassif.show
setHDclassif.show(show) getHDclassif.show
show |
Single logical with default. Will specify the default value of the |
An object of class function
of length 1.
returns the default value.
data(Crabs) # clustering of the Crabs dataset: prms <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4) # By default no information is displayed # To show information: prms <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4, show = TRUE) # To set it permanently: setHDclassif.show(TRUE) prms <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4) # to disable it permanently: setHDclassif.show(FALSE)
data(Crabs) # clustering of the Crabs dataset: prms <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4) # By default no information is displayed # To show information: prms <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4, show = TRUE) # To set it permanently: setHDclassif.show(TRUE) prms <- hddc(Crabs[,-1], K=4) # to disable it permanently: setHDclassif.show(FALSE)
This function generates two datasets according to the model [AkBkQkDk] of the HDDA gaussian mixture model paramatrisation (see ref.).
simuldata(nlearn, ntest, p, K = 3, prop = NULL, d = NULL, a = NULL, b = NULL)
simuldata(nlearn, ntest, p, K = 3, prop = NULL, d = NULL, a = NULL, b = NULL)
nlearn |
The size of the learning dataset to be generated. |
ntest |
The size of the testing dataset to be generated. |
p |
The number of variables. |
K |
The number of classes. |
prop |
The proportion of each class. |
d |
The dimension of the intrinsic subspace of each class. |
a |
The value of the main parameter of each class. |
b |
The noise of each class. |
X |
The learning dataset. |
clx |
The class vector of the learning dataset. |
Y |
The test dataset. |
cly |
The class vector of the test dataset. |
prms |
The principal parameters used to generate the datasets. |
Laurent Berge, Charles Bouveyron and Stephane Girard
Bouveyron, C. Girard, S. and Schmid, C. (2007) “High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis”, Communications in Statistics : Theory and Methods, vol. 36(14), pp. 2607–2623
data <- simuldata(500, 1000, 50, K=5, prop=c(0.2,0.25,0.25,0.15,0.15)) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx f <- hdda(X, clx) Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly e <- predict(f, Y, cly)
data <- simuldata(500, 1000, 50, K=5, prop=c(0.2,0.25,0.25,0.15,0.15)) X <- data$X clx <- data$clx f <- hdda(X, clx) Y <- data$Y cly <- data$cly e <- predict(f, Y, cly)
This function computes the slope heuristic for a set of objects obtained by the function hddc
. The slope heuristic is a criterion in which the likelihood is penalized according to the result of the fit of the likelihoods on the complexities of the models.
slopeHeuristic(x, plot = FALSE)
slopeHeuristic(x, plot = FALSE)
x |
An |
plot |
Logical, default is |
This function is only useful if there are many models (at least 3, better if more) that were estimated by the function hddc
. If there are less than 2 models, the function wil l return an error.
A list of two elements:
best_model_index |
The index of the best model, among all estimated models. |
allCriteria |
The data.frame containing all the criteria, with the new slope heuristic. |
# Clustering of the Crabs data set data(Crabs) prms = hddc(Crabs[,-1], K = 1:10) # we estimate ten models slope = slopeHeuristic(prms, plot = TRUE) plot(slope$allCriteria) # The best model is indeed for 4 clusters prms$all_results[[slope$best_model_index]] # we extract the best model
# Clustering of the Crabs data set data(Crabs) prms = hddc(Crabs[,-1], K = 1:10) # we estimate ten models slope = slopeHeuristic(prms, plot = TRUE) plot(slope$allCriteria) # The best model is indeed for 4 clusters prms$all_results[[slope$best_model_index]] # we extract the best model
These data are the results of a chemical analysis of wines grown in the same region in Italy but derived from three different cultivars. The analysis determined the quantities of 13 constituents found in each of the three types of wines.
A data frame with 178 observations on the following 14 variables :
The class vector, the three different cultivars of wine are reprensented by the three integers : 1 to 3.
Malic acid
Alcalinity of ash
Total phenols
Nonflavanoid phenols
Color intensity
OD280/OD315 of diluted wines
This dataset is from the UCI machine learning repository, provided here : http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Wine.