Package 'fplot'

Title: Automatic Distribution Graphs Using Formulas
Description: Easy way to plot regular/weighted/conditional distributions by using formulas. The core of the package concerns distribution plots which are automatic: the many options are tailored to the data at hand to offer the nicest and most meaningful graphs possible -- with no/minimum user input. Further provide functions to plot conditional trends and box plots. See <> for more information.
Authors: Laurent Berge [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Laurent Berge <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2025-01-23 04:40:02 UTC

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Aggregate/conditional graphs and automatic layout using formulas


fplot provides automatic plotting of common graphs (distributions, lines, bar plots and boxplots). The syntax uses formulas, allowing aggregate/conditional/weighted graphs with minimum efforts. The many arguments are automatically adjusted to the data in order to provide the nicest and most meaningful graphs.


The core functions is plot_distr to draw distributions. Two other graphical functions are provided for convenience: plot_lines to represent the (usually temporal) evolution of some variables, and plot_box to easily represent conditional boxplots.

It also integrates tools to easily export graphs: pdf_fit and png_fit. In these functions, instead of providing the size of the graphics, you instead give the point size that the text should have in the final document–because an exported graph usually ends up in a document. You can set the size of your document with the function setFplot_page. If you use the function to close the connection, you will also see how the export looks like in the Viewer pane.


Maintainer: Laurent Berge [email protected]

Graph export with garanteed text size


This function facilitates graph exportation by taking into account the final destination of the graph (typically a document) and allowing the user to use point size, an intuitive unit in written documents, as the graph scaler. Once located in the final document, the text of the graph at the default size will be at the defined point size.


  pt = 10,
  width = 1,
  w2h = 1.75,
  sideways = FALSE,
  res = 300,
  type = NULL,




Character scalar. The name of the file in which to save the graph. If the argument type is NULL, the type of file is deduced from the extension. If your file extension is different from your file type, you need to use the argument type.


The size of the text, in pt, once the figure is inserted in your final document. The default is 10. This means that all text appearing in the plot with cex = 1 will appear with 10pt-sized fonts in your document.


The width of the graph, expressed in percentage of the width of the body-text of the document in which it will be inserted. Default is 1, which means that the graph will take 100% of the text width. It can also be equal to a character of the type "100%" or "80%". Alternatively, the following units are valid. Relative sizes: "pw" (page width), "tw" (text width), "ph" (page height), "th" (text height). Absolute sizes: "in", "cm", and "px".


Numeric between 0 and 1 or character scalar. The height of the graph, expressed in percentage of the height of the body-text of the document in which it will be inserted. Default is missing, and the height is determined by the other argument w2h. This argument should range between 0 and 1. It can also be equal to a character of the type "100%" or "80%". Alternatively, the following units are valid. Relative sizes: "pw" (page width), "tw" (text width), "ph" (page height), "th" (text height). Absolute sizes: "in", "cm", and "px".


Numeric scalar. Used to determine the height of the figure based on the width. By default it is equal to 1.75 which means that the graph will be 1.75 larger than tall. Note that when argument sideways = TRUE, the default for the height becomes ⁠90%⁠.


Numeric scalar, default is missing. Used to determine the aspectr ratio of the figure.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If the figure will be placed in landscape in the final document, then sideways should be equal to TRUE. If TRUE, then the argument width now refers to the height of the text, and the argument height to its width.


Numeric, the resolution in ppi. Default is 300.


Character scalar, default is NULL. The type of file to be created. If NULL, the default, then the type of file is deduced from the extension.


Other arguments to be passed to bmp, png, jpeg, or tiff. For example: antialias, bg, etc.


To export a ggplot2 graph, remember that you need to print it!

data = data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), y = c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10))

ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_point(color = "#54BF98") +
  geom_line(color = "#d34661")

my_graph = ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +
             geom_point(color = "#54BF98") +
             geom_line(color = "#d34661")


When the function export_graph_end() is called, the resulting exported graph is displayed in the Viewer. The viewer function is found with getOption("viewer") and should work on RStudio and VSCode (with the R extension).


These functions do not return anything in R. export_graph_start creates a file linked to the R graphics engine, in which subsequent plots are saved. export_graph_end closes the connection and the file.


  • export_graph_end(): Ends the connection to the current export and creates the file.

Setting the page size

You can set the page size with the function setFplot_page, which defines the size of the page and its margins to deduce the size of the body of the text in which the figures will be inserted. By default the page is considered to be US-letter with normal margins (not too big nor thin).

It is important to set the page size appropriately to have a final plotting-text size guaranteed once the figure is inserted in the document.


Laurent Berge

See Also

The tool to set the page size and the exporting defaults: setFplot_page. Exporting functions pdf_fit, png_fit, jpeg_fit.

The functions export_graph_start() and export_graph_end() provide similar features.


tmpFile = file.path(tempdir(), "png_examples.pdf")

# we start the exportation
export_graph_start(tmpFile, pt = 8)

plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 8pt.")

# the line below closes the connection and displays the 
# graph in the viewer pane if appropritate

Closes the current plotting device and shows the result in the viewer


This function is deprecated: Please use the functions export_graph_start() and export_graph_end() instead.



To be used in combination with pdf_fit or png_fit when exporting images. It performs exactly the same thing as but additionaly shows the resulting graph in the viewer pane provided you're using RStudio.

To view the results of PDF exports, the function pdf_convert from package pdftools is used to convert the PDF files into images – so you need to have installed pdftools to make it work.

In PDFs, only the first page will be viewed.


This function does not return anything in R. It closes the connection between the R graphics engine and a file that has been defined via one of the functions: pdf_fitpng_fit


Laurent Berge

See Also

The tool to set the page size and the exporting defaults: setFplot_page. Exporting functions pdf_fit, png_fit, jpeg_fit.

The functions export_graph_start() and export_graph_end() provide similar features.


# Exportation example
# The functions pdf_fit, png_fit, etc, guarantee the right
#  point size of the texts present in the graph.
# But you must give the exact size the graph will take in your final document.
# => first use the function setFplot_page, default is:
# setFplot_page(page = "us", margins = "normal")
# By default the graph takes 100% of the text width


tmpFile = file.path(tempdir(), "DISTR -- institutions.png")

plot_distr(~institution, us_pub_econ)

# What's the consequence of increasing the point size of the text?
png_fit(tmpFile, pt = 15)
plot_distr(~institution, us_pub_econ)

PDF export with guaranteed text size


(This function is deprecated: Please use the functions export_graph_start() and export_graph_end() instead.) This function is an alternative to pdf, it makes it easy to export figures of appropriate size that should end up in a document. Instead of providing the height and width of the figure, you provide the fraction of the text-width the figure should take, and the target font-size at which the plotting text should be rendered. The size of the plotting text, once the figure is in the final document, is guaranteed.


  pt = 10,
  width = 1,
  w2h = 1.75,
  sideways = FALSE,



The name of the file to which export the figure.


The size of the text, in pt, once the figure is inserted in your final document. The default is 10. This means that all text appearing in the plot with cex = 1 will appear with 10pt-sized fonts in your document.


The width of the graph, expressed in percentage of the width of the body-text of the document in which it will be inserted. Default is 1, which means that the graph will take 100% of the text width. It can also be equal to a character of the type "100%" or "80%". Alternatively, the following units are valid. Relative sizes: "pw" (page width), "tw" (text width), "ph" (page height), "th" (text height). Absolute sizes: "in", "cm", and "px".


Numeric between 0 and 1 or character scalar. The height of the graph, expressed in percentage of the height of the body-text of the document in which it will be inserted. Default is missing, and the height is determined by the other argument w2h. This argument should range between 0 and 1. It can also be equal to a character of the type "100%" or "80%". Alternatively, the following units are valid. Relative sizes: "pw" (page width), "tw" (text width), "ph" (page height), "th" (text height). Absolute sizes: "in", "cm", and "px".


Numeric scalar. Used to determine the height of the figure based on the width. By default it is equal to 1.75 which means that the graph will be 1.75 larger than tall. Note that when argument sideways = TRUE, the default for the height becomes ⁠90%⁠.


Numeric scalar, default is missing. Used to determine the aspectr ratio of the figure.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If the figure will be placed in landscape in the final document, then sideways should be equal to TRUE. If TRUE, then the argument width now refers to the height of the text, and the argument height to its width.


Other arguments to be passed to pdf.


If you use instead of to close the graph, the resulting graph will be displayed in the viewer pane. So you don't have to open the document to see how it looks.

To export a ggplot2 graph, remember that you need to print it!

data = data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), y = c(2, 4, 6, 8, 10))

ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_point(color = "#54BF98") +
  geom_line(color = "#d34661")

my_graph = ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +
             geom_point(color = "#54BF98") +
             geom_line(color = "#d34661")



This function does not return anything. It connects the output of the R graphics engine to a file.

Setting the page size

You can set the page size with the function setFplot_page, which defines the size of the page and its margins to deduce the size of the body of the text in which the figures will be inserted. By default the page is considered to be US-letter with normal margins (not too big nor thin).

It is important to set the page size appropriately to have a final plotting-text size guaranteed once the figure is inserted in the document.


Laurent Berge

See Also

To set the geometry and the defaults: setFplot_page. To close the graph and display it on the viewer pane:


# This function creates figures made to be inserted
# in a Latex document (US-letter with "normal" margins)
# By default, the figures should take 100% of the
# text width. If so, the size of the text in the figures
# will be exact.

# You need pdftools and knitr to display PDFs in the viewer pane with
if(require(pdftools) && require(knitr)){

  tmpFile = file.path(tempdir(), "pdf_examples.pdf")

  pdf_fit(tmpFile, pt = 8)
  plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
  text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 8pt.")

  pdf_fit(tmpFile, pt = 12)
  plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
  text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 12pt.")

  pdf_fit(tmpFile, pt = 12, sideways = TRUE)
  plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
  text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 12pt if in sideways.")

  # If we reduce the end plot width but keep font size constant
  # this will lead to a very big font as compared to the plot
  pdf_fit(tmpFile, pt = 8, width = "50%")
  plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
  text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 8pt\nif in 50% of the text width.")

Boxplots with possibly moderators


This function allows to draw a boxplot, with possibly separating different moderators.


  outCol = "black",
  density = -1,
  lty = 1,
  pch = 18,
  addLegend = TRUE,
  legend_options = list(),
  lwd = 2,
  dict = NULL,
  mean.col = "darkred",
  mean.pch = 18,
  mean.cex = 2,
  mod.title = TRUE,
  trunc = 20,
  trunc.method = "auto",



A numeric vector or a formula of the type: vars ~ moderator_1 | moderator_2. Note that if a formula is provided then the argument ‘data’ must be provided. You can plot several variables, if you don't want a moderator, use 1 instead: e.g. plot_box(Petal.Width +Petal.Length ~ 1, iris). You can plot all numeric variables from a data set using ".": plot_box(. ~ 1, iris).


A data.frame/data.table containing the relevant information.


When argument fml is a vector, this argument can receive a vector of cases.


When argument fml is a vector, this argument can receive a vector of moderators.


A vector of colors that will be used for within the boxes.


The color of the outer box. Default is black.


The density of lines within the boxes. By default it is equal to -1, which means the boxes are filled with color.


The type of lines for the border of the boxes. Default is 1 (solid line).


The patch of the outliers. Default is 18.


Default is TRUE. Should a legend be added at the top of the graph is there is more than one moderator?


A list. Other options to be passed to legend which concerns the legend for the moderator.


The width of the lines making the boxes. Default is 2.


Default is TRUE. Should the outliers be displayed?


A dictionnary to rename the variables names in the axes and legend. Should be a named vector. By default it s the value of getFplot_dict(), which you can set with the function setFplot_dict.


A named character vector. If provided, it changes the values of the variable ‘case’ to the ones contained in the vector dict_case. Example: I want to change my variable named "a" to "Australia" and "b" to "Brazil", then I used dict=c(a="Australia",b="Brazil").


A named character vector. If provided, it changes the values of the variable ‘moderator’ to the ones contained in the vector dict_moderator. Example: I want to change my variable named "a" to "Australia" and "b" to "Brazil", then I used dict=c(a="Australia",b="Brazil").


Character vector. This element is used if the user wants the ‘case’ values to be ordered in a certain way. This should be a regular expression (see regex help for more info). There can be more than one regular expression. The variables satisfying the first regular expression will be placed first, then the order follows the sequence of regular expressions.


Character vector. This element is used if the user wants the ‘moderator’ values to be ordered in a certain way. This should be a regular expression (see regex help for more info). There can be more than one regular expression. The variables satisfying the first regular expression will be placed first, then the order follows the sequence of regular expressions.


Whether to add the average for each boxplot. Default is true.


The color of the mean. Default is darkred.


The patch of the mean, default is 18.


The cex of the mean, default is 2.


Character scalar. The title of the legend in case there is a moderator. You can set it to TRUE (the default) to display the moderator name. To display no title, set it to NULL or FALSE.


Whether there should be tilted labels. Default is FALSE except when the data is split by moderators (see mod.method).


If the main variable is a character, its values are truncaded to trunc characters. Default is 20. You can set the truncation method with the argument trunc.method.


If the elements of the x-axis need to be truncated, this is the truncation method. It can be "auto", "right" or "mid".


Option for the x-axis, how far should the labels go. Default is 1 for normal labels, 2 for tilted labels.


Other parameters to be passed to plot.


Invisibly returns the coordinates of the x-axis.


Laurent Berge


# Simple iris boxplot

# All numeric variables
plot_box(. ~ 1, iris)

# All numeric variable / splitting by species
plot_box(. ~ Species, iris)

# idem but with renaming
plot_box(. ~ Species, iris, dict = c(Species="Iris species",
         setosa="SETOSA", Petal.Width="Width (Petal)"))

# Now using two moderators
base = iris
base$period = sample(1:4, 150, TRUE)

plot_box(Petal.Length ~ period | Species, base)

Plot distributions, possibly conditional


This function plots distributions of items (a bit like an histogram) which can be easily conditioned over.


  legend_options = list(),
  top, = TRUE,
  border = "black",
  mod.NA = FALSE,
  cumul = FALSE,
  plot = TRUE,
  centered = TRUE,,
  dict = NULL,
  mod.title = TRUE,
  trunc = 20,
  trunc.method = "auto",



A formula or a vector. If a formula, it must be of the type: weights ~ var | moderator. If there are no moderator nor weights, you can use directly a vector, or use a one-sided formula fml = ~var. You can use multiple variables as weights, if so, you cannot use moderators at the same time. See examples.


A data.frame: data set containing the variables in the formula.


Optional, only if argument fml is a vector. A vector of moderators.


Optional, only if argument fml is a vector. A vector of (positive) weights.


Logical: should the first elements displayed be the most frequent? By default this is the case except for numeric values put to log or to integers.


Logical, only used when the data is numeric. If TRUE, then the data is put to logarithm beforehand. By default numeric values are put to log if the log variation exceeds 3.


Maximum number of items displayed. The default depends on the number of moderator cases. When there is no moderator, the default is 15, augmented to 20 if there are less than 20 cases.


Only used for numeric values. If provided, it creates bins of observations of size bin.size. It creates bins by default for numeric non-integer data.


A list. Other options to be passed to legend which concerns the legend for the moderator.


What to display on the top of the bars. Can be equal to "frac" (for shares), "nb" or "none". The default depends on the type of the plot. To disable it you can also set it to FALSE or the empty string.

Whether the y-axis should be displayed, default is TRUE.


Whether the y-axis should display regular numbers instead of frequencies in percentage points. By default it shows numbers only when the data is weighted with a different function than the sum. For conditionnal distributions, a numeric y-axis can be displayed only when mod.method = "sideTotal", mod.method = "splitTotal" or mod.method = "stack", since for the within distributions it does not make sense (because the data is rescaled for each moderator).


A vector of colors, default is close to paired. You can also use “set1” or “paired”.


Outer color of the bars. Defaults is "black". Use NA to remove the borders.


A character scalar: either i) “split”, the default for categorical data, ii) “side”, the default for data in logarithmic form or numeric data, or iii) “stack”. This is only used when there is more ù than one moderator. If "split": there is one separate histogram for each moderator case. If "side": moderators are represented side by side for each value of the variable. If "stack": the bars of the moderators are stacked onto each other, the bar heights representing the distribution in the total population. You can use the other arguments within and total to say whether the distributions should be within each moderator or over the total distribution.


Logical, default is missing. Whether the distributions should be scaled to reflect the distribution within each moderator value. By default it is TRUE if mod.method is different from "stack".


Logical, default is missing. Whether the distributions should be scaled to reflect the total distribution (and not the distribution within each moderator value). By default it is TRUE only if mod.method="stack".

Which moderators to select. By default the top 3 moderators in terms of frequency (or in terms of weight value if there's a weight) are displayed. If provided, it must be a vector of moderator values whose length cannot be greater than 5. Alternatively, you can put an integer between 1 and 5. This argument also accepts regular expressions.


Logical, default is FALSE. If TRUE, and if the moderator contains NA values, all NA values from the moderator will be treated as a regular case: allows to display the distribution for missing values.


Equal to FALSE, "roman" or "line". When plotting categorical variables, adds a small Roman number under every 5 bars (at_5 = "roman"), or draws a thick axis line every 5 bars (at_5 = "line"). Helps to get the rank of the bars. The default depends on the type of data – Not implemented when there is a moderator.


Whether there should be tilted labels. Default is FALSE except when the data is split by moderators (see mod.method).


Logical. Should there be a last column counting for the observations not displayed? Default is TRUE except when the data is split.


Logical, default is FALSE. If TRUE, then the cumulative distribution is plotted.


Logical, default is TRUE. If FALSE nothing is plotted, only the data is returned.


Positive number. The separation space between the bars. The scale depends on the type of graph.


Logical, default is TRUE. For numeric data only and when sorted=FALSE, whether the histogram should be centered on the mode.

A function, by default it is sum. Aggregate function to be applied to the weight with respect to variable and the moderator. See examples.


Logical. Whether integers should be treated as categorical variables. By default they are treated as categorical only when their range is small (i.e. smaller than 1000).


A dictionnary to rename the variables names in the axes and legend. Should be a named vector. By default it s the value of getFplot_dict(), which you can set with the function setFplot_dict.


Character scalar. The title of the legend in case there is a moderator. You can set it to TRUE (the default) to display the moderator name. To display no title, set it to NULL or FALSE.


Only if the labels of the x-axis are tilted. The angle of the tilt.


Cex value to be passed to biased labels. By defaults, it finds automatically the right value.


If the main variable is a character, its values are truncaded to trunc characters. Default is 20. You can set the truncation method with the argument trunc.method.


If the elements of the x-axis need to be truncated, this is the truncation method. It can be "auto", "right" or "mid".


Other elements to be passed to plot.


Most default values can be modified with the function setFplot_distr.


This function returns invisibly the output data.table containing the processed data used for plotting. With the argument plot = FALSE, only the data is returned.


Laurent Berge

See Also

To plot temporal evolutions: plot_lines. For boxplot: plot_box. To export graphs: pdf_fit, png_fit,


# Data on publications from U.S. institutions

# 0) Let's set a dictionary for a better display of variables
setFplot_dict(c(institution = "U.S. Institution", jnl_top_25p = "Top 25% Pub.",
                jnl_top_5p = "Top 5% Pub.", Frequency = "Publications"))

# 1) Let's plot the distribution of publications by institutions:
plot_distr(~institution, us_pub_econ)

# When there is only the variable, you can use a vector instead:

# 2) Now the production of institution weighted by journal quality
plot_distr(jnl_top_5p ~ institution, us_pub_econ)

# You can plot several variables:
plot_distr(1 + jnl_top_25p + jnl_top_5p ~ institution, us_pub_econ)

# 3) Let's plot the journal distribution for the top 3 institutions

# We can get the data from the previous graph
graph_data = plot_distr(jnl_top_5p ~ institution, us_pub_econ, plot = FALSE)
# And then select the top universities
top3_instit = graph_data$x[1:3]
top5_instit = graph_data$x[1:5] # we'll use it later

# Now the distribution of journals
plot_distr(~ journal | institution, us_pub_econ[institution %in% top3_instit])
# Alternatively, you can use the argument
plot_distr(~ journal | institution, us_pub_econ, = top3_instit)

# 3') Same graph as before with "other" column, 5 institutions
plot_distr(~ journal | institution, us_pub_econ,
  = top5_instit, other = TRUE)

# Example with continuous data

# regular histogram

# now splitting by species:
plot_distr(~ Sepal.Length | Species, iris)

# idem but the three distr. are separated:
plot_distr(~ Sepal.Length | Species, iris, mod.method = "split")

# Now the three are stacked
plot_distr(~ Sepal.Length | Species, iris, mod.method = "stack")

Display means conditionnally on some other values


The typical use of this function is to represents trends of average along some categorical variable.


  mod.NA = TRUE,
  smoothing_window = 0,
  col = "set1",
  lty = 1,
  pch = c(19, 17, 15, 8, 5, 4, 3, 1),
  legend_options = list(),
  pt.cex = 2,
  lwd = 2,
  dict = NULL,
  mod.title = TRUE,



A formula of the type variable ~ time | moderator. Note that the moderator is optional. Can also be a vector representing the elements of the variable If a formula is provided, then you must add the argument ‘data’. You can use multiple variables. If so, you cannot use a moderator at the same time.


Data frame containing the variables of the formula. Used only if the argument ‘fml’ is a formula.


Only if argument ‘fml’ is a vector. It should be the vector of ‘time’ identifiers to average over.


Only if argument ‘fml’ is a vector. It should be a vector of conditional values to average over. This is an optional parameter.

Which moderators to select. By default the top 5 moderators in terms of frequency (or in terms of the value of fun in case of identical frequencies) are displayed. If provided, it must be a vector of moderator values whose length cannot be greater than 10. Alternatively, you can put an integer between 1 and 10.


Logical, default is FALSE. If TRUE, and if the moderator contains NA values, all NA values from the moderator will be treated as a regular case: allows to display the distribution for missing values.


Default is 0. The number of time periods to average over. Note that if it is provided the new value for each period is the average of the current period and the smoothing_window time periods before and after.


Function to apply when aggregating the values on the time variable. Default is mean.


The colors. Either a vector or a keyword (“Set1” or “paired”). By default those are the “Set1” colors colorBrewer. This argument is used only if there is a moderator.


The line types, in the case there are more than one moderator. By default it is equal to 1 (ie no difference between moderators).


The form types of the points, in the case there are more than one moderator. By default it is equal to \8codec(19, 17, 15, 8, 5, 4, 3, 1).


A list containing additional parameters for the function legend – only concerns the moderator. Note that you can set the additionnal arguments trunc and trunc.method which relates to the number of characters to show and the truncation method. By default the algorithm truncates automatically when needed.


Default to 2. The cex of the points.


Default to 2. The width of the lines.


A dictionnary to rename the variables names in the axes and legend. Should be a named vector. By default it s the value of getFplot_dict(), which you can set with the function setFplot_dict.


Character scalar. The title of the legend in case there is a moderator. You can set it to TRUE (the default) to display the moderator name. To display no title, set it to NULL or FALSE.


Other arguments to be passed to the function plot.


This function returns invisibly the output data.table containing the processed data used for plotting.


Laurent Berge



plot_lines(Ozone ~ Day, airquality)

plot_lines(Ozone ~ Day | Month, airquality)

plot_lines(Ozone ~ Month | cut(Day, 8), airquality)

PNG export with guaranteed text size


(This function is deprecated: Please use the functions export_graph_start() and export_graph_end() instead.) This is an alternative to png and others. It makes it easy to export figures that should end up in documents. Instead of providing the height and width of the figure, you provide the fraction of the text-width the figure should take, and the target font-size at which the plotting text should be rendered. The size of the plotting text, once the figure is in the final document, is guaranteed.


  pt = 10,
  width = 1,
  w2h = 1.75,
  sideways = FALSE,
  res = 300,

  pt = 10,
  width = 1,
  w2h = 1.75,
  sideways = FALSE,
  res = 300,

  pt = 10,
  width = 1,
  w2h = 1.75,
  sideways = FALSE,
  res = 300,

  pt = 10,
  width = 1,
  w2h = 1.75,
  sideways = FALSE,
  res = 300,



The name of the file to which export the figure.


The size of the text, in pt, once the figure is inserted in your final document. The default is 10. This means that all text appearing in the plot with cex = 1 will appear with 10pt-sized fonts in your document.


The width of the graph, expressed in percentage of the width of the body-text of the document in which it will be inserted. Default is 1, which means that the graph will take 100% of the text width. It can also be equal to a character of the type "100%" or "80%". Alternatively, the following units are valid. Relative sizes: "pw" (page width), "tw" (text width), "ph" (page height), "th" (text height). Absolute sizes: "in", "cm", and "px".


Numeric between 0 and 1 or character scalar. The height of the graph, expressed in percentage of the height of the body-text of the document in which it will be inserted. Default is missing, and the height is determined by the other argument w2h. This argument should range between 0 and 1. It can also be equal to a character of the type "100%" or "80%". Alternatively, the following units are valid. Relative sizes: "pw" (page width), "tw" (text width), "ph" (page height), "th" (text height). Absolute sizes: "in", "cm", and "px".


Numeric scalar. Used to determine the height of the figure based on the width. By default it is equal to 1.75 which means that the graph will be 1.75 larger than tall. Note that when argument sideways = TRUE, the default for the height becomes ⁠90%⁠.


Numeric scalar, default is missing. Used to determine the aspectr ratio of the figure.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If the figure will be placed in landscape in the final document, then sideways should be equal to TRUE. If TRUE, then the argument width now refers to the height of the text, and the argument height to its width.


Numeric, the resolution in ppi. Default is 300.


Other arguments to be passed to bmp, png, jpeg, or tiff. For example: antialias, bg, etc.


This function does not return anything. It connects the output of the R graphics engine to a file.

Setting the page size

You can set the page size with the function setFplot_page, which defines the size of the page and its margins to deduce the size of the body of the text in which the figures will be inserted. By default the page is considered to be US-letter with normal margins (not too big nor thin).

It is important to set the page size appropriately to have a final plotting-text size guaranteed once the figure is inserted in the document.


# This function creates figures made to be inserted
# in a Latex document (US-letter with "normal" margins)
# By default, the figures should take 100% of the
# text width. If so, the size of the text in the figures
# will be exact.

tmpFile = file.path(tempdir(), "png_examples.png")

png_fit(tmpFile, pt = 8)
plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 8pt.")

png_fit(tmpFile, pt = 12)
plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 12pt.")

png_fit(tmpFile, pt = 12, sideways = TRUE)
plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 12pt if in sideways.")

# If we reduce the end plot width but keep font size constant
# this will lead to a very big font as compared to the plot
png_fit(tmpFile, pt = 8, width = "50%")
plot(1, 1, type = "n", ann = FALSE)
text(1, 1, "This text will be displayed in 8pt\nif the graph is 50% of the text width.")

Sets/gets the dictionary used in fplot


Sets/gets the default dictionary used to rename the axes/moderator variables in the functions of the package fplot. The dictionaries are used to relabel variables (usually towards a fancier, more explicit formatting) that can be useful not to explicitly use the arguments xlab/ylab when exporting graphs. By setting the dictionary with setFplot_dict, you can avoid providing the argument dict in fplot functions.






A named character vector. E.g. to change my variable named "us_md" and "state" to (resp.) "$ miilion" and "U.S. state", then use dict = c(us_md="$ million", state = "U.S. state").


An object of class function of length 1.


This function stores a named vector in the option "fplot_dict". The dictionary is automatically accessed by all fplot functions.


The function setFplot_dict() does not return anything, it only sets an option after checking the format of the arguments.

The function getFplot_dict() returns a named vector representing the dictionary set in setFplot_dict().


Laurent Berge


setFplot_dict(c(Ozone = "Ozone (ppb)"))
plot_distr(Ozone ~ Month, airquality, = mean)

Sets the defaults of plot_distr


The default values of most arguments of plot_distr can be set with setFplot_distr.


  border = "black",
  cumul = FALSE,
  centered = TRUE,,
  dict = NULL,
  mod.title = TRUE,
  trunc = 20,
  trunc.method = "auto",
  reset = FALSE




Logical: should the first elements displayed be the most frequent? By default this is the case except for numeric values put to log or to integers.


Logical, only used when the data is numeric. If TRUE, then the data is put to logarithm beforehand. By default numeric values are put to log if the log variation exceeds 3.


What to display on the top of the bars. Can be equal to "frac" (for shares), "nb" or "none". The default depends on the type of the plot. To disable it you can also set it to FALSE or the empty string.


Whether the y-axis should display regular numbers instead of frequencies in percentage points. By default it shows numbers only when the data is weighted with a different function than the sum. For conditionnal distributions, a numeric y-axis can be displayed only when mod.method = "sideTotal", mod.method = "splitTotal" or mod.method = "stack", since for the within distributions it does not make sense (because the data is rescaled for each moderator).


A vector of colors, default is close to paired. You can also use “set1” or “paired”.


Outer color of the bars. Defaults is "black". Use NA to remove the borders.


A character scalar: either i) “split”, the default for categorical data, ii) “side”, the default for data in logarithmic form or numeric data, or iii) “stack”. This is only used when there is more ù than one moderator. If "split": there is one separate histogram for each moderator case. If "side": moderators are represented side by side for each value of the variable. If "stack": the bars of the moderators are stacked onto each other, the bar heights representing the distribution in the total population. You can use the other arguments within and total to say whether the distributions should be within each moderator or over the total distribution.


Logical, default is missing. Whether the distributions should be scaled to reflect the distribution within each moderator value. By default it is TRUE if mod.method is different from "stack".


Logical, default is missing. Whether the distributions should be scaled to reflect the total distribution (and not the distribution within each moderator value). By default it is TRUE only if mod.method="stack".


Equal to FALSE, "roman" or "line". When plotting categorical variables, adds a small Roman number under every 5 bars (at_5 = "roman"), or draws a thick axis line every 5 bars (at_5 = "line"). Helps to get the rank of the bars. The default depends on the type of data – Not implemented when there is a moderator.


Whether there should be tilted labels. Default is FALSE except when the data is split by moderators (see mod.method).


Logical. Should there be a last column counting for the observations not displayed? Default is TRUE except when the data is split.


Logical, default is FALSE. If TRUE, then the cumulative distribution is plotted.


Logical, default is TRUE. For numeric data only and when sorted=FALSE, whether the histogram should be centered on the mode.

A function, by default it is sum. Aggregate function to be applied to the weight with respect to variable and the moderator. See examples.


Logical. Whether integers should be treated as categorical variables. By default they are treated as categorical only when their range is small (i.e. smaller than 1000).


A dictionnary to rename the variables names in the axes and legend. Should be a named vector. By default it s the value of getFplot_dict(), which you can set with the function setFplot_dict.


Character scalar. The title of the legend in case there is a moderator. You can set it to TRUE (the default) to display the moderator name. To display no title, set it to NULL or FALSE.


Only if the labels of the x-axis are tilted. The angle of the tilt.


Cex value to be passed to biased labels. By defaults, it finds automatically the right value.


If the main variable is a character, its values are truncaded to trunc characters. Default is 20. You can set the truncation method with the argument trunc.method.


If the elements of the x-axis need to be truncated, this is the truncation method. It can be "auto", "right" or "mid".


Logical scalar, default is FALSE. Whether the defaults should be reset.


The function setFplot_distr() does not return anything, it only sets the default parameters for the function plot_distr().

The function getFplot_distr() returns a named list containing the arguments that have been set with the function setFplot_distr().

See Also

plot_distr, pdf_fit,


# Changing the default color set for plot_distr only
my_col = c("#36688D", "#F3CD05", "#F49F05", "#F18904", "#BDA589")

setFplot_distr(col = my_col, mod.method = "split", border = NA)

plot_distr(~ Petal.Length | Species, iris)

# Back to normal
setFplot_distr(reset = TRUE)

plot_distr(~ Petal.Length | Species, iris)

Sets the target page size for figure exporting


Tha package fplot offers some functions (e.g. pdf_fit or png_fit) to export figures, with a guarantee to obtain the desired point size for the plotting text. The function setFplot_page sets the target page size (once and for all). This is important for the accuracy of the export, although the default values should be working well most of the time.


  page = "us",
  margins = "normal",
  units = "tw",
  pt = 10,
  w2h = 1.75,
  reset = FALSE




What is the page size of the document? Can be equal to "us" (for US letter, the default) or "a4". Can also be a numeric vector of length 2 giving the width and the height of the page in inches. Or can be a character string of the type: "8.5in,11in" where the width and height are separated with a comma, note that only centimeters (cm), inches (in) and pixels (px) are accepted as units–further: you can use the unit only once.


The bottom/left/top/right margins of the page. This is used to obtain the dimension of the body of the text. Can be equal to "normal" (default, which corresponds to 2cm/2.5cm/2cm/2.5cm), or to "thin" (1.5/1/1/1cm). Can be a numeric vector of length 1: then all margins are the same given size in inches.

Can also be a numeric vector of length 2 or 4: 2 means first bottom/top margins, then left/right margins; 4 is bottom/left/top/right margins, in inches. Last, it can be a character vector of the type "2,2.5,2,2.5cm" with the margins separated by a comma or a slash, and at least one unit appearing: either cm, in or px.


The default units when using the functions pdf_fit, png_fit, etc. Defaults to "tw" (text width) which is a fraction of the size of the text. Alternatives can be "pw" (page width), and "in", "cm", "px".


The size of the text, in pt, once the figure is inserted in your final document. The default is 10. This means that all text appearing in the plot with cex = 1 will appear with 10pt-sized fonts in your document.


Numeric scalar. Used to determine the height of the figure based on the width. By default it is equal to 1.75 which means that the graph will be 1.75 larger than tall. Note that when argument sideways = TRUE, the default for the height becomes ⁠90%⁠.


Logical, default is FALSE. Whether arguments should be reset to default before applying modifications.


This function sets the option "fplot_export_opts" after parsing the arguments. This option is then automatically accessed by the functions used to export graphs export_graph_start().


The function setFplot_page() does not return anything. It sets an R option containing the page parameters.

The function getFplot_page() returns the named list of page parameters which has been set in setFplot_page().

See Also

Exporting functions: pdf_fit, png_fit. The function closing the connection and showing the obtained graph in the viewer:


# How to set the page size

# All examples below provide the same page size
setFplot_page(page = "us")
setFplot_page(page = "8.5in, 11in")
setFplot_page(page = "8.5/11in")
setFplot_page(page = c(8.5, 11))

# All examples below provide the same margins
setFplot_page(margins = "normal")
setFplot_page(margins = "2cm, 2.5cm, 2cm, 2.5cm")
setFplot_page(margins = "2/2.5/2/2.5cm")
setFplot_page(margins = c(2, 2.5) / 2.54) # cm to in
setFplot_page(margins = c(2, 2.5, 2, 2.5) / 2.54)

Publication data sample


This data reports the publications of U.S. institutions in the field of economics between 1985 and 1990.




us_pub_econ is a data table with 30,756 observations and 6 variables.

  • paper_id: Numeric identifier of the publication.

  • year: Year of publication.

  • institution: Institution of the authors of the publication.

  • journal: Journal/conference name.

  • jnl_top_25p: 0/1 variable of whether the journal belongs to the top 25% in terms of average cites.

  • jnl_top_5p: 0/1 variable of whether the journal belongs to the top 5% in terms of average cites.


The source is Microsoft Academic Graph (see reference).


Arnab Sinha, Zhihong Shen, Yang Song, Hao Ma, Darrin Eide, Bo-June (Paul) Hsu, and Kuansan Wang. 2015. An Overview of Microsoft Academic Service (MAS) and Applications. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW '15 Companion). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 243-246.